Tooth extraction and simultaneous implant placement

In many patients, implant placement can be performed simultaneously with tooth extraction. This practice is usually followed for anterior teeth of the maxilla, without excluding cases involving premolars.

The purpose in immediate implant placement is mainly to save time, as the patient does not have to wait until the bone to heal, which usually lasts at least 3 months. It should be stressed out, however, that immediate implant placement is always accompanied by the placement of grafting materials. In addition, the area intended to receive the implant should not have large cysts or lesions (existence of microbes), as well as a sufficient amount of bone should be present so that the initial stability of the implant is sufficient.

In all cases concerning the aesthetic zone a temporary restoration is placed. The healing phase usually lasts 3-4 months, before the initiation of the restoration procedure.

Immediate Implants Before treatment - Immediate implant Immediate Implants After treatment - Immediate implant

Placement of an immediate implant in the upper first premolar area. Simultaneously with the implant placement, bone graft was placed in order to minimize absorption of the alveolar ridge.

Immediate Implants Before treatment - Immediate implant Immediate Implants After treatment - Immediate implant

The same case before and after its prosthetic restoration. A metalloceramic crown was placed on the implant. At the same time a metalloceramic crown was placed on the second premolar.